Avenue Odd

the skeletal impracticalities.

Aug 31, 2008

The Case of the Toilet Seat

Posted by Branden Ho

The toilet seat. A symbol of the struggle between the sexes since time immemorial.

IMHO, the seat should be put down after use by us guys when we are in a household where there are women around, its a symbolic way of showing that we respect their presence (and we know we have to respect their presence for various reasons, not the least the TV remote).

The advent of the "perfect" toilet seat has me confused (you know the one, with the slit in the front). I mean, its fine as a unisex idea, but it has been installed progressively into all our public toilets. Now, we KNOW for SURE, that women wont be using these toilet seats, so why should we move away from the traditional "up-or-down" toilet seat?

One argument for the "perfect" toilet seats in male restrooms is that it seems troublesome for guys to lift up the seat when not in use, so why dont we just leave a hole in front so that even with the seat down, we can aim with relative ease. However, as witnessed in many a stained seats, this has a backfiring effect it seems. As it would appear, some men just need much more target practice. Even with the extra firing room, they will cause collateral damage to the rest of the toilet seat.. and the poor guy who actually wants to use the seat.. has to do some serious cleaning up.. (and perhaps disinfecting).

Therefore, i'm all for the "traditional" toilet seats. Yes, the ones that the battle of the sexes wages over, the same one that sparks off divorces.Its a "up-or-down" choice, that way, at least the guy who needs to crap, gets a swift and effective relief.

And for fuck's sake. In the men's restrooms. PLEASE LEAVE THE DAMN SEAT UP.

Aug 25, 2008

Memories of Happiness, In Solitude

Posted by Branden Ho

The café, truly a great place to appreciate what one has, what one had, and perhaps, what one might have.

Today, seated obliquely before me, were four secondary school girls who were, like myself, in academic pursuit. Much like myself, they are failing miserably. However, their failing miserably meant they were chattering on and on about just about anything that came to their mind. Boys, in-school gossip, the latest hand phones (actually its just THE latest hand phone, the iPhone from Apple, it has finally hit our humble shores and taken the island's Applemaniacs by storm, personally i don't quite see what's the deal with it though :X ...maniacs), the range of topics they covered in my four hours here probably had more coverage than The Herald Tribune International. Oh and did i mention.. boys?

The endless chatter regarding certain lucky bloke by the name of Shawn (yes i caught that much) was just that, endless. In the midst of going gaga, they flipped their geography textbooks, it eludes me how one studies that way.. Perhaps women have it easy like that?

I couldn't help but think back on my own secondary school days. In my school, we were lucky enough to have a beautiful lake in the compound. As much as it was a waste of space, it was a cultural icon of sorts, and it provided for a suitably soothing ambience to study. It was also conducive for idle chatter. Once in a while, a gust of wind will pass by and sweep away some of our notes into the lake. The following panic was always concluded with a friend offering his/her notes to photocopy, since, well it IS a lake and paper kinda gets ruined by water.

Ah yes, friends. The innocence of friendship at that age was priceless. Though i am here alone, here's a silent thankyou from me to all the people who had made any kind of impact in my life.

I am happy for you, girls.

Aug 22, 2008

Birth of a Blog

Posted by Branden Ho

While sitting at the local starbucks, reading a book, sipping Iced Americano, and chatting online with some friends (it all sounds like much, but if u try to picture it.. it all can happen concurrently without a kink), a random thought to blog came to mind. Partly driven by the general tiedium of life as a student, part driven by my need to rant, a blog is born.


the name came about while chatting online with Maxine (max-online.. it just occurred to me). So i asked her for a blog name, and she offered up one word. lust. the rest was merely random wordplay. *note to self, a cafe is a pretty condusive place to think of random nonsense.
